Friday, July 15, 2011

I was saved by a man with two words, medium heat.

First blog ever! I am feeling enormous amounts of pressure seeing as I have, oh wait, ZERO followers! alright now that I have that out of the way I can begin.
In the words of Sophia Petrillo ( my favorite from the Golden Girls)
Picture it, Corpus Christi Texas, it was the year 2000 and I had been dating a young man for about 5 whole minutes when i decided it was time for me to cook him dinner. And what more says I am super serious about you than Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper. I seared the meat and added all the contents of the box and let it boil, it was only when this young man came to serve himself from the stove did it occur to me that the bottom four inches of the pot were completely scorched. It was then that this man did something so sincere, he reached for the serving spoon and scraped a layer off the top and served it on two plates. One for me and one for him. Polishing off his "meal" he looked at me and said, "there is nothing wrong with using medium heat." And the rest is history.
There it is, my first blog. I could get used to this. Here we go, off into the cyber universe.

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